Burwood Now

I imagine getting a shot closer to street level would’ve made for a better capturing.
Now that I think about it, so would having taken a shot in an area that provided a more expansive view.

This was taken when the power in Burwood Plaza went out.

It’s a shot that shows some changes in Burwood, such as out of place tall buildings among other things. However, it would be difficult to know what has changed and is changing without being familiar with (some of) the history of the area.

Before moving back to the Inner West (a far more expansive area than what some people think, as it goes a bit beyond Newtown and Lewisham, despite what many people would like to believe), I hadn’t been to Burwood in a while. There was one time in 2016 when I went to buy new jeans, and another when I was cycling to Burwood Station after getting this photo. Those were brief excursions where I didn’t really check anything out or pay attention to how the suburb had changed. The last time I had been in Burwood for an extended period of time would’ve been some point between 2012 and 2014.

Now that once more I’m living near Burwood, the changes are more apparent to me.
I think some of them are fantastic and some are bad, but overall it’s an area different, yet familiar to me.

This is a small cityscape showing off Burwood as it currently is. There’s a lot more to see and I might start capturing some of that.

I like how the overcast sky helps to contrast against the area and make it appear more striking.

Whilst I don’t like the obtrusiveness of the taller buildings, I do like that the unevenness they introduce to the shape of the area in this photo.

This is my submission into The Lens-Artists Photo Challenge.

The theme this week is “Your Choice“.
This one is kind of a small celebration of this event being around for a year.
It’s a fun weekly event and one I’d recommend checking it out and considering submitting.

The challenge is hosted by four people and cycles weekly:

Week 1 – Patti

Week 2 – Ann-Christine aka Leya

Week 3 – Amy

Week 4 – Tina

This week is hosted by Tina and next week’s will be hosted by Patti.
I said the same last week, but I seem to have slipped off track at some point.

Edit: As per Tina’s comment, this challenge is hosted by everyone.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy.

About Stupidity Hole

I'm some guy that does stuff. Hoping to one day fill the internet with enough insane ramblings to impress a cannibal rat ship. I do more than I probably should. I have a page called MS Paint Masterpieces that you may be interested in checking out. I also co-run Culture Eater, an online zine for covering the arts among other things. We're on Patreon!
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4 Responses to Burwood Now

  1. Tina Schell says:

    Thanks SH, enjoyed your choice this week. Actually we ALL hosted this week to celebrate our 1-year anniversary, so you didn’t slip off track at all 😊. Patti will be back hosting next week as usual

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Leya says:

    Thanks for joining in SH! And overcast skies often gives the best photos!

    Liked by 1 person

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